This special collection of papers is based on, or expands on the themes of the Creating Comics, Creative Comics symposium held in June 2018 at the University of South Wales, Cardiff.
The symposium focussed its attention on the materiality and practice of creating comics, and the particulars of storytelling in comics.
This special collection addresses these needs of the narrative and creative practices involved in comics creation from the point of view of the creators involved in the production and creation of comics and extends the conversations begun at the symposium. The issue contains work which either details these experiences as a practice as research or practice-led research perspective or appear as formulations of these ideas applied to the analysis of established creative case-studies.
Under editorial direction from Geraint D'Arcy (University of South Wales) and Brian Fagence (University of South Wales) with editorial support from Ernesto Priego (City, University of London), this collection covers the dilemmas and potentials of construction and creation, ideology and authorship, philosophies and embodiment, histories and practices for The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship. The papers are diverse and interdisciplinary and all of them place the creator centrally to their exploration.
Editors: Brian Fagence (Guest Editor), Ernesto Priego (Editor), Geraint D'Arcy (Guest Editor)
Troubling Boundaries and Negotiating Dominant Culture: Fun Home as a Transmedial Text
Jeanette D’Arcy
2019-11-22 Volume 9 • 2019
Also a part of:
The Practice of Authentication: Adapting Pilgrimage from Nenthead into a Graphic Memoir
Nick Dodds
2019-08-07 Volume 9 • 2019
Also a part of:
The Comic at the Crossroads: The Semiotics of ‘Voodoo Storytelling’ in The Hole: Consumer Culture Vol. 1
Lisa Kottas and Martin Schwarzenbacher
2019-08-06 Volume 9 • 2019
Also a part of:
Guoxue Comics: Visualising Philosophical Concepts and Cultural Values through Sequential Narratives
Xiyuan Tan
2019-07-29 Volume 9 • 2019
Also a part of:
Touch Me/Don’t Touch Me: Representations of Female Archetypes in Ann Nocenti’s Daredevil
Robert J. Hagan
2019-05-21 Volume 9 • 2019
Also a part of:
Diabetes Year One. Drawing my Pathography: Comics, Poetry and the Medical Self
Tony Pickering
2019-05-17 Volume 9 • 2019
Also a part of:
The Board and the Body: Material Constraints and Style in Graphic Narrative
Pat Grant
2019-02-20 Volume 9 • 2019
Also a part of:
Comics and Nationality
Conjuring a New Normal: Monstrous Routines and Mundane Horrors in Pandemic Lives and Dreamscapes
Translation, Remediation, Spread: The Global Circulation of Comics
Rapid Responses: Comics in and of The Moment
Creating Comics, Creative Comics
Graphic Science
Poetics of Digital Comics
Graphic Justice
Find David Bowie: Alternative Approaches to Bowie and Comics
Brilliant Corners: Approaches to Jazz and Comics