Seminar: Social Depths: Representing Race & Disability in Comics & Graphic Novels (City, UoL, Mon 20 Feb 23 6pm GMT)
Posted by Ernesto Priego on 2023-02-08

headshot of Professor Jonathan W. Gray,
Professor Jonathan W. Gray

We'd like to invite you to an event with Jonathan W. Gray, Associate Professor of English at the City University of New York Graduate Center and John Jay College, United States.

The seminar will take place on campus at City, University of London, Room AG07b, College Building, at 6pm (GMT) on Monday 20 February 2023.  [Campus Map]. 

Professor Gray is the author of Civil Rights in the White Literary Imagination (University Press of Mississippi) and is currently working on the book project Illustrating the Race: Representing Blackness in American Comics. He will be speaking to the title “Social Depths: Race & Disability in Comics & Graphic Novels.” His seminar talk is titled “Social Depths: Race & Disability in Comics & Graphic Novels.”

An option to join online is available for those who register. The event is public and free, but we ask that you please register at this link. A full abstract and more speaker details are also available on that page. Modest refreshments will be provided for those attending in person.  

This event is organised in collaboration between the Centre for Human-Computer Interaction Design, School of Science and Technology, and the Department of Media, Culture & Creative Industries, School of Communication & Creativity, City, University of London.

Professor Gray’s talk should be of interest to students and academics interested in areas such as Black Studies, Digital Justice, Disability Studies and the Cultural Politics of both design and popular culture. Please do share this invitation with interested students and colleagues.

We hope to see some of you there, online or in person.

Two panels by Scott McCloud. One panel shows a realistic drawing of a face and the text "Thus, when you look at a photo or realistic drawing of a face-- --you see it as the face of another". The second panel shows a simple cartoon face, and the text "But when you enter the world of the cartoon-- --you see yourself.
Scott McCloud


Event   Black Studies   Seminars   Disability Studies